Save Valuable Team Bandwidth
Finding documents with restrictive covenants is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Our combined Machine Learning and OCR process can scan millions of documents in a fraction of the time it would take your staff and more accurately, too.
Access Best-in-Class Technology
CovenantGuard features our multi-step process using Machine Learning & OCR to reduce false positives and false negatives. This minimizes effort reviewing unnecessary documents so your team can focus on the documents that matter.
Find Restrictive Covenants Relevant to You
CovenantGuard allows your team to customize a set of terms specific to your county. You can also choose the list First American Data & Analytics uses on its own documents every day.
Flexible Document Review Options
For faster processing use document images from the First American repository that go back decades and/or provide us with your digitized documents.
Easy-to-Use, Configurable Workflow Solution
Let CovenantGuard do the heavy lifting of identifying restrictive covenants. Your clerks can review the suggested redactions to ensure they comply with your county rules, then your legal team can breeze through the documents that need to be approved.
Reporting At Your Fingertips
CovenantGuard logs every action to make it easy to generate reports. Access ready-to-go reports or get custom ones built to fit your needs.